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Long-Term Care & AnalysisThe Long-Term Care and Analysis Tool enables personalized searching, filtering, and reporting of over 15,000 long-term care facilities with information from public, private, and user-created sources.The National Commission for Quality Long-Term Care (NCQLTC) sought to leverage PIIM's expertise in visualization and user-centric engineering to help the commission meet its core objectives to directly engage the public towards improving long-term care for individuals living in facilities and their families. The commission engaged PIIM to develop a web-based, engineered prototype that would enable individuals to access public and user-generated information on over 15,000 long-term care facilities in the United States. The system provided mapping, blogging, video, and advanced statistical reporting technologies in an easy-to-use and highly interactive system. The PIIM system integrated information and data streams from user-generated, public, and private sources providing a wide range of analytic possibilities. PIIM collaborated closely with the NCQLTC, its members, and the system's user groups to fine-tune to tool to exceed the commission's requirements. The system PIIM developed enabled not only the reporting of long-term care information but provided a public forum for individuals to engage legislators and policy makers in the monitoring and improvement of the long-term care system. The prototype application PIIM developed integrated: